Product: Creatine
CAS NO:57-00-1
Creatine Manufacturer:Truly Chemical
Synonyms:CREATINE(P);Krebiozon;2-(1-methylguanidino)acetic acid;cretine;Kreatin;
Creatine Package:25 kg drum or bag
Creatine Specs:
Appearance:White powder
Loss on drying:12%max
Creatine Application:
It can be used as the nutritional supplements for promoting the adaptation of skeletal muscle to strenuous exercise and fighting against the excessive fatigue for feeble individuals.
Creatine Biosynthesis:
Creatine is not an essential nutrient as it is naturally produced in the human body from the amino acids glycine and arginine.
In the first step of the biosynthesis these two amino acids are combined by the enzyme arginine:glycine amidinotransferase to form guanidinoacetate, which is then methylated by guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase,using S-adenosyl methionine as the methyl donor.
Creatine itself can be phosphorylated by creatine kinase to form phosphocreatine, which is used as an energy buffer in skeletal muscles and the brain.
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